The gray rat is eating food. Close-up...
Ardilla comiendo..
A red brown squirrel, photographed in Sp..
Guinea pig in a wooden cage. Photographe..
Ecureuil roux..
The Indian palm squirrel or three-stripe..
Mouse with a slice of swiss cheese isola..
this is a side view of a long nose potor..
Mongolische Wüstenrennmaus (Meriones) a..
Midday Jird..
Merriam's kangaroo rat foraging at night..
Red squirrel - (Sciurus vulgaris)..
hamster on a palm..
Little mouse sitting on hands..
White rat dumbo with red eyes on white b..
Nice ferret albino..
squirrel eating nut..
A caged farm mink looks through the bars..
Isolated image of a golden hamster..
this is a close up of an albino red neck..
Manikou dans un manguier la nuit, dans u..
Chipmunk sitting on a rock..
A red squirrel nibbles a hazelnut in the..
white hamster..
Halsbandpekari Jungtier..
Close up image of Plantain squirrel eati..