Goldener Passionsblumenfalter Heliconus ..
Silver-washed fritillary, Argynnis paphi..
ベニシジミ(Lycaena phlaeas)..
Melitaea trivia 817..
The Plain Tiger butterfly sitting on th..
Anartia jatrophae linnaeus..
Beautiful butterfly siting on a flower i..
Butterfly On Flower..
Mariposa Vanessa de los cardos "Vanessa ..
butterfly on a flower..
Ventral view of a Danaus plexippus, Mona..
Close up of Hoffmann's checkerspot (Chlo..
Pyrgus sidae 597..
butterfly on flower..
Motyl w trawie..
Kaisermantel butterfly sits on a pink fl..
Butterfly, an insect flying on wild plan..
comma butterfly..
small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais ur..
Closeup on a bright colorful European Co..
Motyl przeplatka atalia na zielonym tle ..
Butterfly Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) ..
Papilio machaon on green plant..
Kleiner Fuchs (Aglais urticae)..
Beautiful Butterfly Scarce Swallowtail, ..
Motyl w puszczy 2..
Butterfly on pink flowers ..
Papilionidae / Kırlangıçkuyruk / / Pa..
Boloria dia, The Weaver's Fritillary, Vi..
Blue butterfly perched on a budding pink..
The butterfly sits on a flower and sucks..