Uma linda gaivota sobrevoando as ondas d..
Gannet juvenile flying, close up, over t..
Laysan albatross (Diomedea immutabilis) ..
White-capped Mollymawk in Australasian W..
Side View of a Flying Seagull at the Wat..
Laysan albatross (Diomedea immutabilis) ..
Masked booby passing by at close distanc..
black browed albatross..
Northern Gannet flying above Bempton cli..
Seagull flying over the ocean..
shy albatross and other sea birds feedin..
black browed albatross..
Möve fliegt übers Meer - Stockfoto..
seagull over the sea..
Two magnificent Gannet, Morus bassanus, ..
Black-headed gulls..
Pair of Albatross..
Black-browed Albatross, Wenkbrauwalbatro..
Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche mel..
Close up of Flying Large White Sea Bird ..
Flying gannet over the sea ..
Pelican in Flight over the ocean..
aves varias ..
Goéland marin - Great Black-backed Gull..
Guillemot marmette..
Black browed albatross gliding along the..
Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabili..
Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel; Scopoli's Shea..
Birds soar over the pacific ocean in Los..
Northern Gannets..
Grote Kuifstern, Swift Tern, Sterna berg..