Postage stamps of the Bulgaria. Stamp pr..
Votive column in Reiteregg..
Antonio Stradivari commemorato in un fra..
Stamp printed in India shows Woman Writi..
Postage stamps of the France. Stamp prin..
Inca bas-relief on mexican air mail stam..
Postage stamp Russia 1990 Gerogly, Turkm..
Stamp printed in Germany, French Occupat..
Postage stamp Paraguay 1938 Map of Parag..
Sultan Mohammed..
Stamp printed in Austria, shows a woman ..
Postage stamp Austria 1946 Forchtenstein..
Coat of Arms..
Postage stamp Czechoslovakia 1967 Detail..
Postage stamp Germany 1987 Gerhart Haupt..
Famous Men..
imprint on metal..
Apolonia Pinto..
Postage stamp Brazil 1965 Jose de Alenca..
ornament and horn..
Kozak plateau..
Postage stamps of the Bulgaria. Stamp pr..
Contour map..
Halas lace patterns..
Coat of Arms of San Marino..
Corrientes Stamp of 1856 (Argentina 1956..
Teacher and Pupils..
vintage postage stamp set forty five..
Lace making..
Postage Stamp..
KOREA - CIRCA 1980: Stamp printed in Kor..
Postage stamps of the Austria. Stamp pri..
Postage stamp Belgium 1967 postilion on ..