A garter snake rests on a gravel surface..
Two mating Eastern Garter Snakes (Thamno..
Smooth snake, Coronella austriaca..
Closeup on a Northwestern Gartersnake, T..
Adder, Vipera berus..
Westliche Sandboa // Javelin sand boa (E..
snake in its natural environment..
Lacerta agilis, sand lizard, on a sunny ..
Diamondback Carpet Python in NSW Austral..
Javelin sand boa // Westliche Sandboa (E..
A garter snake slither across limestone..
Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor), Darie..
Juveniles of the Scot Barr salamander ( ..
Green lizard on dry grass in spring..
Small European grass snake through leaf ..
Snake eat fish...
A Rhombic Skaapsteker, Psammophylax rhom..
Isolated close up portrait of eastern ye..
Viviparous lizard among dry grass..
A garter snake slithering through the gr..
Lizard is an ordinary species of lizards..
Lizard resting; lizard basking in the su..
Junge Äskulapnatter (Zamenis longissimu..
Northwestern Garter Snake..
hungarian meadow adder in natural habita..
A striking jungle carpet python with viv..
Garter Snake..
Mountain nature ..
Close up of an Australian Major's Skink..
Madagascar: Hognose snake in Zombitse-Vo..
Lucertola muraiola (Podarcis muralis),ri..
Salamandra rabilarga (Chioglossa lusitan..
Ribbon Snake flicks its tongue while sli..