aid word or concept represented by woode..
ola palabra o concepto representado por ..
fem word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym aer for the annual equivalen..
yak word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym ath for All Time High concep..
the acronym fdi for foreign direct inves..
bin word or concept represented by woode..
ver the word or concept represented by w..
the acronym iva for individual voluntary..
the acronym f2f for face to face word or..
the acronym aea for american economic as..
ask the word or concept represented by w..
the acronym frb for federal reserve boar..
the acronym abs for american bureau of s..
the acronym tde for transparent data enc..
yen word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym tro for temporary restrainin..
vis the word or concept represented by w..
the acronym ldi for liability driven inv..
the acronym etm for escrowed to maturity..
the acronym etc for Electronic Toll Coll..
the acronym zap for Zed Attack Proxy con..
the acronym v2x for vehicle to everythin..
the acronym hrt for hormone replacement ..
xmr word or concept represented by woode..
acá palabra o concepto representado por..
vin mot ou concept représenté par des ..
the acronym isa for individual savings a..
ail the word or concept represented by w..
oil word or concept represented by woode..
oil word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym dax for deutscher aktien ind..
zir the word or concept represented by w..
tar word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym tpr for True Positive Rate c..