Grey heron searching for food..
Low-angle view of the Asian openbill or ..
Gray Heron..
A white-faced heron by the sea..
Close-up of a grey heron...
Great egret (Ardea alba) or the common e..
Little Egret - Egretta Garzetta standing..
Grey heron (Ardea cinerea)..
Aigrette garzette (Egretta garzetta - Li..
Grey Heron,Ardea cinerea..
Great Blue Heron Portrait ..
Blue Heron Fishing Sequence (4 of 4)..
Grey heron (Ardea cinerea)..
The purple heron, Red heron (Ardea purpu..
Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)..
Airone Cenerino..
Yellow-crowned Night Heron hunting for c..
Graureiher beim Fischfang..
Great Egret Portrait..
great blue heron..
Héron cendré, Ardea cinerea, Grey Hero..
Grey heron and graylag in a pond..
Great blue heron bird..
Grey Heron..
grey heron in the pond..
Grey heron standing in a river in Kent, ..
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)..
Graureiher mit gefangenem Fisch im Schna..
Grey Heron..