Spotted Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatact..
Closeup of a European pied flycatcher bi..
A close up of a single female blackcap s..
European pied flycatcher sitting on a br..
Bird perched on a thorny branch with wil..
Tico tico (Zonotrichia capenses)..
Pie grièche écorcheur,. fLanius collur..
Green finch jumping on to a branch with ..
European roller - Coracias garrulus perc..
Northern mockingbird on branch. It is th..
Common whitethroat female in the late af..
Western Kingbird..
South Island Robin in New Zealand..
South Island Robin in New Zealand..
Northern Wheatear..
Scissor Tailed Flycatcher sitting on a b..
bird in treetop..
Elanion blanc, .Elanus caeruleus, Black ..
Weißbrauenweber (Plocepasser mahali)..
Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca)..
loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) ..
Noordse Gele Kwikstaart, Grey-headed Wag..
Closeup of an Eastern kingbird in a mead..
Rufous-throated Honeyeater in Queensland..
Red-backed shrike male (Lanius collurio)..
Pied Flycatcher on a branch..
Northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)..
Galápagos mockingbird Mimus parvulus..
bird on a branch..
Northern Band-tailed Pigeon, Patagioenas..
Willow tit sits on a branch covered with..
Brown Shrike perched on a branch..
diuca (Diuca diuca)..
Tree Swallow perched on Branch along the..