Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticu..
Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus..
Double Banded Dotterel in New Zealand..
Red-necked Stint in Victoria, Australia..
Pluvier argenté..
Kiebitzregenpfeifer (Pluvialis squatarol..
Sanderling, Calidris alba..
Ruff female - Reeve walking on an ice co..
Semipalmated Plover..
Ringed plover bird on a pebble beach wit..
Greater Sand Plover Standing on Sea Rock..
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) c..
chevalier combattant, Combattant varié,..
Surf Bird..
bird - Ruddy Turnstone migratory Arenari..
The wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)..
Adult Temminck's stands on the river ban..
Common sandpiper on the west coast in Sw..
Common ringed plover..
Young Seagull in Northern Norway..
The common gull or sea mew (Larus canus)..
Steinwälzer, Ruhekleid..
White and grey seagull on pebbles sea sh..
Zilverplevier; Grey Plover; Pluvialis sq..
A portrait of an endangered Piping Plove..
Red Knot - on the autumn migration way a..
Common Sandpiper Perched on Rock..
A purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima)..
red winged blackbird..
The European golden plover (Pluvialis ap..
Seagulls standing on the lakeshore. Lach..
Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius)..
Common ringed plover looking for food at..