Ein weißer und ein brauner Hund stehen ..
mother sheep and her lamb in lush green ..
Livestock under the cool early spring su..
Jeune agneau dans un pré..
Ziege liegend..
A white goat with big horns and a beard ..
Goat on field..
A group of great white dorper Sheep graz..
Sheep breeding, lamb, on a flowered mead..
portrait of a little cute baby sheep ..
a portrait of a goat in the pasture..
A magnificent Milu Deer, also known as P..
Close up portrait of white adult goat gr..
verträumter Windhund / Whippet kuschelt..
Ram bighorn sheep along the Grinnell Gla..
Ein Schaf..
Scenic view of a cow in a green field se..
Idyllic scene with grazing sheep with na..
Juvenile Bighorn Sheep, Glacier National..
Cow eating grass..
Goat eating grass..
mother sheep and her lamb in lush green ..
A lioness taking a drink of water in the..
Flock of white swiss sheep standing in a..
Fat Beef cows grazing on native grasses ..
Lambs and sheep in a field..
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Big..
Sheep grazing in the British countryside..
Lamb and sheep on meadow. Slovakia..
Schaf auf einer Wiese..
A lamb on a meadow..
Spring Lamb in field of grass..
Cattle Calf Texas Longhorn (2)..
Reindeer about to cross road..
Inquisitive and curious Charolais calf i..