Breeding embrace of the male on the fema..
Iberian speckled sapillo (Pelodytes iber..
rana temporaria ritratto..
Wild fer de lance on the ground of the C..
Erdkröte Bufo bufo..
Captive bred toad being reintroduced in ..
Frontal closeup on a brown male European..
frog in the grass..
Yellow-Bellied Toad on the rock (Bombina..
New Jersey Chorus Frog - Pseudacris kalm..
Krötenwanderung. Braune Kröte in Nahau..
Bufo Bufo-ropucha..
Kröte sitzt auf herbstlichem Waldboden..
Agile frog on the march!..
European Common toad frog on the ground..
Maine Toads and Frogs..
small lizard..
Kröte, Kröten im Frühjahr..
Iberian painted frog // Iberischer Schei..
Common toad during toad migration at a s..
Close up of a male European common toad ..
Grass frog..
Closeup of a couple of European common t..
rana dalmatina grenouille agile..
Bufo bufo. Expanded throughout Europe. A..
common toad on moss, bufo bufo, tailless..
Rana coral..
Kröte sitzt mit ausgestrecktem Bein am ..
Kroete (Erdkroete - bufo bufo)..
Grasfrosch ( Rana temporaria )...