Close-up of longnose gar with bright blu..
Atlantic Tarpon, megalops atlanticus, Ad..
Aral Bream - Abramis brama The common br..
Rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)..
Fish : Mahseer barb (Neolissochilus stra..
Unterwasseraufnahme von einem Seelachs..
Putitor mahseer (Tor putitora) aka Himal..
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) in..
Bright beautiful ocean fish in blue sea ..
Belica - Leucaspius delineatus. Leucaspi..
Close up underwater picture of a frash w..
Red Eye Tetra fish isolated on white bac..
Twinspot snapper (Lutjanus bohar) side v..
Lot of different fishes swim in the Ocea..
Carp is swimming in dark water. Huge cyp..
Trucha arcoíris ..
Schuppen Karpfen in nährstoffreichen Wa..
tarpon underwater, large sea fish, tarpo..
Close-up of two beautiful carps in a lar..
Common Carp underwater in the St. Lawren..
A whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in Osak..
European Perch, perca fluviatilis, Adult..
fishes in a big water tank..
East Atlantic peacock wrasse (Symphodus ..
Flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)..
Piraputanga (Brycon hilarii) - Freshwate..
Yellow eyed silver barb (Hypsibarbus pie..
Small scale mud carp, Freshwater fish sl..
Whale Shark and scuba divers..
Vibrant fish tank filled with colorful f..
European barbel (Barbus barbus)...