Reiherente (Aythya fuligula) Weibchen..
Gadwall. Bird in breeding plumage. Marec..
un canard exécutant la danse du cygne..
Golden eye, female..
tufted duck in a pond..
King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) femal..
Dodaars; Little Grebe; Tachybaptus rufic..
Northern Pintail..
Arlequin plongeur femelle..
common pochard in a sea..
swim class..
Closeup of a Little grebe at Tubli bay, ..
female mallard duck in summer pond close..
gray ducks swim on the lake during the d..
Spring flight of wild ducks...
Female Greater Scaup..
American Coot Waterhen..
Ente auf dem Wasser..
Greylag Goose in the flight...
Female wood duck (Aix sponsa) swimming..
duck on the water..
Herring gull (Larus argentatus) floating..
Duck swims in the pond..
The Greater scaup female on the water..
ケイマフリ 天売島 北海道�..
duck and ducklings..
this is a side view of a Pacific black d..