Graoup Magellan Goose Chloephaga Picta,..
Egyptian Goose swimming in the calm wate..
A flock of domestic geese goes out to gr..
group goose in garden at thailand..
geese on the meadow, gray goose by the l..
group of Black-bellied Whistler Ducks..
Nilgans / Egyptian goose / Alopochen aeg..
Flock of Magellan geese (Chloephaga pict..
Greylag geese with goslings in Illmitz i..
animal farm concept, flock of goose livi..
White grey gooses standing on poultry y..
Couple of greylag geese with two goslin..
Female of Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta..
Goose and ducks live peacefully in the p..
A breeding pair of Canada geese (Branta ..
Greylag Geese (Anser anser) resting in a..
Egyptian Goose..
Red-Wattled Lapwing..
Graugänse in Brandenburg ..
Two Canadian Geese, Branta canadenis, at..
Bébés Cigognes..
Drei Gänse on Tour..
Swan with chicks near the river...
Barnacle Gееse (Branta leucopsis) with..
Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albif..
Kansas White domestic duck at a lake in ..
Female of Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta..
Ducks flying..
Goose walking in the village square..
Flock of wild Geese feeding on harvested..