Close up of a pigeon walking on the grou..
Least Auklets (Aethia pusilla) at colony..
Portrait einer Ringeltaube..
Pigeon birds in the park...
Pigeon looking for food in green grass..
Scottish Puffins..
Beautiful pigeon goes to find food..
Dovekie (Alle alle) at Least Auklet colo..
Wood pigeon in the forest..
Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) at ..
Grey pigeon..
pigeon on the ground..
paloma encima de cesped entre flores ..
Gray pigeon walk on the asphalt in the v..
Spotted dove standing on ground..
Dove in park..
jack on the city square..
Gray pigeon walk on the asphalt in the v..
Arnot's chat (Myrmecocichla arnotti) in ..
Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica) ..
Blackbird, Turdus merula..
Rock dove pigeon bird standing on green ..
Sunlit Atlantic puffin (fratercula arcti..
Wood pigeon on the ground in grass..
Raven at the park..
Rock dove is one of the most numerous re..
Wild pigeon in the spring field...
A wild pigeon in the park ..
Little Auk, Alle alle..
wild pigeon while eating on the grass..
Barnacle goose..
Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus)..
Indian Pigeon OR Rock Dove - The rock do..