Lichen covering Peach tree..
Camouflaged spiny katydid, Phricta spino..
Stick Insect..
inseto macro aranha fofinha natureza..
Proboscis bats (Rhynchonycteris naso) cl..
Cottony scale insect on durian branch..
Kruszel czarny..
Ant Carrying Leaf..
Large Brown Cicada..
Kruger National Park, South Africa: agam..
A Japanese large brown cicada-Graptopsal..
cicada in Croatia..
spring, old trees in the forest, trunk o..
background plant sunlight trunk old wood..
セミのぬけ殻 アブラゼミ..
a rose-ringed parakeet or ring-necked pa..
Wanderwegmarkierung an einem Baum in der..
Monitor Lizard in the bird's hole (nest)..
Symbol of Provence, 1 day young cicada o..
Close up view of a black spotted pine sa..
A male hand hugs a tree, symbolizing lov..
Woodpecker by the nest in the tree..
Three-toed Woodpecker, Picoides tridacty..
Locust on a tree, Thailand...
A tree with its bark and scar..
Cicada shell macro..
ニイニイゼミ cicada..
Usnea cornuta (old man's beard, beard li..