Vulture flying in the sky..
starling bird in a forest..
Shorebirds - Wood Sandpiper Tringa glare..
Black Kite flying in sky with while back..
Kestrel /Falco tinnunculus..
Common Kingfisher..
Eurasian Griffon Vulture in flight on a ..
Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)..
Adult male Montagu's harrier flying in a..
Green-winged teal (Anas crecca) pair fly..
Pied Kingfisher..
Great Spotted Cuckoo in flight..
gray crane in natural conditions hunts f..
Hawk flying over a grassy field hunting ..
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) looking for f..
Curlew. Adult curlew on misty grouse moo..
Common crane, also known as Eurasian cra..
hummingbird in flight..
The beautiful bird European herring gull..
Marsh Sandpiper at Asker marsh, Bahrain..
Cruising Through - While the sun gets wa..
White-backed vulture glides with grassy ..
Western marsh harrier in the sky (male)..
Red kite (Milvus milvus) in flight..
アマツバメ飛翔(Pacific swift)..
fieldfare flight on brown..
sparrow in jump phases isolated on white..
Arctic Skua ..
Mochuelo europeo..
Lapwing bird in flight..