Portrait of an edible frog at the botani..
Teichfrosch ( Rana esculenta) sonnt sich..
frog in watter..
Beautiful Green frog in natural backgr..
Green frog seen from above sitting on gr..
Green-skinned frogs with dark spots on t..
European Common brown Frogs latin Rana t..
Frog and water lilies in a pond in Zuric..
Frog in the lake close-up...
Green frogs sunbathe on a stone sticking..
Frosch Portrait..
frog on an aquatic leaf..
grenouille verte..
Close up photo of a european green frog ..
Frog on the sand..
Common toad in the pool, spring mating, ..
This green frog just captured a spring p..
common frog..
Einheimischer Teichfrosch..
Frosch im Wasser..
Green frog by the pond in the moss..
European grass frog or Rana temporaria m..
Ein grüner Frosch Spiegelt sich im Wass..
sideview of a pool frog (Rana esculenta)..
Erdkröte (Bufo bufo) – Nahaufnahme in..
The green frog..
Marsh frog sits on a green leaf..
grenouille - frog..
Perez's Frog (Pelophylax perezi)...