Schwebfliegen (Syrphidae), auch Stehflie..
Macrophotographie, Insecte posé sur une..
A jumping spider, Carrhotus xanthogramma..
Spotted asparagus beetle on the asparagu..
Tick waiting for a prey..
Image of Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingu..
The common greenbottle, Lucilia Caesar. ..
Argiope bruennichi (wasp spider) on web,..
insecte 10..
dragonfly on a leaf..
Colorful beetle on the whit t-shirt..
Chrysalis of a buttefly hanging on a gra..
bee on a green leaf..
fly in nature. close-up..
Fly insect..
Bug Resting on Big Green Artichoke Leaf..
fluorescent beetle on a leaf crawling..
Nettle weevil, Phyllobius pomaceus..
mating of beetle ...
An Eristalis hoverfly, or dronefly..
Field cricket insect, Satara, Maharashtr..
spider on leaf..
Close-up of an ant on a tree leaf...
Coomon Red Soldier Beetle..
insect beetle Nicrophorus..
Calliphora vicina..
grüne stinkwanze..
Tiger Beetle , Tiger beetle on leaf , Cl..