Herd of wildebeests pasturing at Kenyan ..
family of elephants on the savannah..
Asian buffalo..
elephant in addo elephant park..
View of the buffalo in South Luangwa Nat..
Spotted Hyena chase off Lions at a water..
Family of elephants ..
Animaux d'Afrique..
A solitary bull Desert Adapted Elephant ..
Elephant walking and eating grass..
herd of wild horses..
Eléphant d'Afrique, Loxodonta africana,..
a family of elephants, accompanied by wh..
Herd of African Bush Elephants Walking T..
elephants in the savannah..
Afrikanischer Elefant / African elephant..
cows in a field, Beef cows and calves gr..
Herd of african elephants in savanna in ..
African Elephant Portrait..
Lion in the Savannah..
group of Elephant..
Wildebeests at Ngorongoro, Tanzania..
Gnou à queue noire, Connochaetes taurin..
Elephant family with calf in the Okavang..
Elephant in Chiang Mai, Thailand..
two herds of elephants passing each othe..
Landscape of a vibrant waterhole with a ..
Elephants form a protective group around..
Water Buffalo in Thailand..
White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum Squ..
African bush elephant in Kruger National..
Elk in the Fall Rut..
Wild Horses Running Across the Utah Dese..
Cape Buffalo..
Afrikanischer Elefant / African elephant..