Libellule Bleue,Agrion mignon..
Red dragonfly waiting on brown leaf with..
Macro shot of fly..
Hairy Scoliid wasp isolated on white bac..
Libellule Bleue,Agrion mignon..
The wasp is sitting on green leaves. The..
Philaeus chrysops - Jumping spider..
A fly on a budding fern branch..
Dead large pine weevil isolated on white..
Gallische Feldwespe ( Polistes dominula ..
Rothalsiges Getreidehähnchen, Oulema m..
Mini wasp on a leaf..
Springtime Surfer..
Close up of a dragonfly (Trithemis annul..
The spot-eyed hoverfly feeds on flowers..
Macro closed up of the dead flies killed..
White-faced meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrus..
A bee eats nectar from a daisy in the fi..
big gray fly macro on nature..
Mistbiene - Eristalis tenax - dronefly o..
A close-up macro shot of a praying manti..
Honey Bee Pollinating a Flower..
Detailed closeup on a Brown Heath Robber..
Small beetle on a yellow flower. Genus C..
Крепкая дружба..
Hoplie bleue Hoplia coerulea sur la vég..
Colorado potato beetle on green plant in..
Rhagoletis is a genus of fruit flies bel..