The tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) is a s..
Dompfaff auf Apfelbaum ..
great tit on a branch near the bird feed..
a raven, corvus corax, perching on a map..
Cape White-eye (Zosterops virens capensi..
bird on a branch..
A stunning animal portrait of a baby Blu..
Kohlmeise im Winter..
Juvenile Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Japa..
A male Asian Koel bird resting on a bran..
Red-backed Shrike..
bird on a branch..
Eyebrowed Thrush, White-browed Thrush, D..
Vogel im MüGa-Park in Mülheim an der R..
Bird on fence perch at Los Angeles park ..
Red-billed leiothrix, chinese nightingal..
Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla)..
Long Tailed Tit..
Greenfich in a tree in a forest..
The sparrow also know as Pardal or Gorri..
Laughing Kookaburra sitting in a tree, D..
the greenfinch..
spotted woodpecker..
Orinoco piculet (Picumnus pumilus) is a ..
Say's Phoebe..
Neuntöter (Laius collurio) oder Rotrüc..
The Javan munia (Lonchura leucogastroide..
Tropical Parula..
junge Amsel..
Rufous Treecreeper - Climacteris rufus ..
Kleiber - Sitta europaea..
ave gaturamo verdadeiro - Euphonia viola..
sparrow on a branch..
Black-Capped Kingfisher has a purple-blu..