Migration des Oies des neiges forme blan..
A Northern Shoveler duck on the bank of ..
An American Avocet Foraging for Food at ..
duck sitting on a water..
Portrait of a single female duck sitting..
Newborn Gosling Exploring the Fascinatin..
A detailed close-up of a wild mallard du..
Brown duck near dirty water lake in summ..
Pacific Golden Plover..
Feeling Shy..
Pacifische Parelduiker, Pacific Loon, Ga..
Male Northern Shoveler on lake..
Ländliche Indylle mit Hausgänsen und W..
Snow Goose in Pond in Winter..
Female American Wigeon duck swimming in..
seagull, bird..
Kaczka krzyżówka na brzegu jeziora..
Duck floats on water..
wild duck..
Western Grebe in Water..
Close-up portrait of a duck in water...
Junge Silbermöwe am Wasser..
duck in the pond..
Little Crake (Porzana parva), Greece..
Dabchick New Zealand Grebe..
white goose in the park..
female mallard duck ..
Grauwe Gans, Greylag Goose, Anser anser..
When winter comes, geese forage freely, ..
Northern Shoveler..
Female wild duck Mallard against ivy bac..