Wild elephants eating grass, Hurulu Eco ..
Sri Lankan Elephants ..
african Elephant, Family, Tanzania..
Muddy rhinoceros male, standing...
Elephants in Kadulla National Park, Sri ..
Elefanten am Wasserloch..
Side profile of two adult warthogs in th..
Endangered Rhino mother and young baby c..
Breitmaulnashorn und Rotschnabel-Madenha..
rhino in kruger..
African Elephant..
Rhinoceros stands in African plains..
Elefanten im Minneriya Nationalpark..
Buffalo in Safari group..
elephant on the walk..
Horses on a summer pasture on a sunny su..
Elephants drinking at a waterhole in Hwa..
Afrikansche Elefanten am Wasserloch Olif..
A flock of reddish sheep grazes in a val..
Afrikanischer Elefant / African elephant..
White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum Squ..
Streifengnu / Blue wildebeest / Connocha..
elephants in kruger national park, mpuma..
Elefanti in BWA..
African lion in Kruger National park, So..
Rhinocéros blanc, white rhino, Ceratoth..
Group of Elephants, Serengeti, Tanzania..
African Pig (Warthog) grazing at a Kruge..
Spitzmaulnashorn / Hook-lipped rhinocero..
Elephant family, Amboseli National Park,..
a young white rhino calf..
Dehorned rhino in the wild..
Kenia Safari..