Eurasian crane..
White Fronted Tern in Australasia..
Alpine Swift, Apus melba..
A black oyster catcher " Haematopus bach..
Чайка в полёте..
Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache, Ne..
River tern diving..
Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)..
Common pochard Aythya ferina swimming on..
vulture in flight..
Two swans landing on the Danube river in..
Costa Rica Mittelamerika Pflanzen Natur ..
Laughing Gull in Flight on Blue Sky..
Herring Gull gracefully maneuvering mid-..
Lake Naivasha Safari..
Mallard Duck Landing on the freezing wat..
Common Tern, Sterna hirundo, flying with..
birds in flight against a gray sky..
Seagulls flying in the blue sky, chasing..
Brahmin kite, Langkawi, Malaysia..
seagull in flight..
American oystercatcher..
whiskered tern fishing in the lagoon ..
White-cheeked tern fishing, Bahrain ..
seagull in flight sunset ..
blue heron in flight..
Barge à queue noire - Limosa limosa - o..
Soaring Willet flies above water of Bols..
Male duck landing on ice lake winter sur..
osprey is hunting a fish..
Wild seagulls flying low to water of Bai..
black headed gull in the sea..
Gabbiano in volo..
Large herring gull flying with a dull sk..
Aves en el delta de l´Ebre..