sparrow baby..
Ovenbird in Spring..
Chaffinch young on a branch in the fores..
Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer Montanus) ..
Siberische Boompieper, Olive-backed Pipi..
Sparrow sitting on the branch of a tree..
Haussperling (Passer domesticus)..
Two sparrows on a tree branch..
Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla..
Grasshopper Sparrow on a rustic fence..
Coucou didric,.Chrysococcyx caprius, Die..
Poland, Biebrzanski National Park – cl..
Cute little Ovenbird sits perched on a b..
Yellow rumped warbler..
Pinson du nord..
Tree Sparrow, (Passer montanus), Ouse Wa..
passaro da fauna brasileira..
Chipping Sparrow - Spizella Passerina..
Tree Sparrow..
robin on a branch..
A red-backed shrike sits on a branch..
Brambling bird, Fringilla montifringilla..
Heckenbraunelle // Dunnock (Prunella mod..
Least Flycatcher..
A Chipping Sparrow perching on a small b..
Female pied bush chat..
sparrow on a branch..
the female chaffinch..
Male Chaffinch..