Star (Sturnus vulgaris)..
Star (Sturnus vulgaris)..
A Natal francolin perched on a rock, Pil..
Common blackbird Turdus merula cabrerae...
female Grey-winged Blackbird..
Star (Sturnus vulgaris)..
Atlantic birdlife, Farne Islands Nature ..
female northern bobwhite quail - Colinus..
White-tailed eagle deep in snow..
Dipper (Cinclus cinclus)..
Black dove closeup shot..
Common Buzzard in winter at a wet forest..
Alpine chough with open beak..
Common Raven - in winter at a wet forest..
Blackbird posing in the snow..
Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) on ..
Chiguanco thrush (Turdus chiguanco)..
Yellow-headed Caracara - Milvago chimach..
Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica..
blackbird on the ground..
Close Up of European Starling..
Star (Sturnus vulgaris)..
Incredible views of the Dolomites ..
Pigeon sitting on the balustrade..
Bird in the wilderness...
Common blackbird Turdus merula. Male wit..
Mountain Chicken, Himalaya, Nepal..
Krähenscharbe, European Shag, Phalacroc..
The Striated caracara (Phalcoboenus aust..
Common starling..
Cincle plongeur (cinclus cinclus) oiseau..
Wasseramsel (Cinclus cinclus)..