beautiful butterfly on flower..
A close up of a small tortoiseshell (Agl..
Aglais urticae orange butterfly sitting ..
Kleiner Fuchs beim Sonnenbad..
Lycaena phlaeas, the small copper, Ameri..
Kleiner Fuchs (Aglais urticae) Schmetter..
Nahansicht eines kleinen Perlmuttfalters..
Close-up of an Urticaria (Aglais urticae..
Large tortoiseshell, Großer Fuchs (Nymp..
Distelfalter an einer Wnad..
Beautiful butterfly aglais urticae with ..
butterfly on leaf..
Beautiful orange with a black butterfly ..
butterfly ditting on the soil..
kleiner fuchs im sand..
butterfly on leaf..
The orange butterfly Vanessa cardui is h..
photo Thistle butterflies, Vanessa cardu..
Kleiner Fuchs..
The question mark, Polygonia interrogati..
Butterfly monarch..
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) butterfly ..
Butterfly on leaves..
Yellow-red orange butterfly with pattern..
Kleiner Fuchs beim Sonnenbad..
Nymphalidae / Aglais / Small Tortoiseshe..
Beautiful orange with a black butterfly ..
Small copper butterfly. Lycaena phlaeas..
Orange and brown butterfly with open win..
Orange butterfly with black spots on san..
motyl siedzący na kwitnącym rzepaku..