elefante in ethosha 2023..
Elefant - Bulle..
elephants and antelopes to zebras at wat..
elefante in ethosha 2023..
Male Elephant at Etosha national park..
Elephant looking back with only its eye,..
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) at..
Elephant family in the mud drinking and ..
Agitated female African Elephant (Loxodo..
a single african elephant at a waterhole..
Elephant in Ruaha National Park, Tanzani..
Elefant nach dem Baden..
group of elephants in the national park ..
African elephants family grazing in Chob..
male African elephant,Hwange National Pa..
migration of elephants in amboseli park..
Group of elephants at chobe national par..
Afrikanischer Elefant, Etosha Nationalpa..
elephant Dusting..
elephant in africa in a group..
Elephant walking through water in Etosha..
elefanti in BWA..
Elephants in Botswana Africa..
he old African elephant Loxodonta afric..
Afrikanischer Elefant / African elephant..
Elefantenbulle trinkend, Okaukuejo, Etos..
Baby African Elephant at Water Hole..
Herd of african elephants refeshing in t..
Elephants at a watering hole in Etosha N..
ein Elefanten-Baby trinkt Wasser am Chob..
A herd of African elephants drinking at ..
Elephants at Addo National Parc South Af..