Piled logs of harvested wood in forest..
Forest and a road ..
Puszcza Knyszyńska, Podlasie, Polska..
Walking Trail into the Woods..
Wycinka lasu. Pnie drzew przy drodze...
Dark moody forest during sunrise in spri..
Large quantity of cut and stacked spruce..
leśny klimat..
Inside a typical forest of the Italian A..
Camping in the forest..
Fichten - Baumstämme abgesägt und gest..
Steinach im Schwarzwald..
Felled trees in the forest. Road in the ..
Fallen trees in a forest..
Path in the forest. A row of tree trunks..
Wood logs lying by the road in the woods..
old abandoned house in forest..
Celle, 16.02.2023..
Logged wood in the autumn forest..
せせらぎの径 / Green area Prom..
bridge in the forest..
Logging truck loading logs in forest..
Gehweg am Rande eines Waldes..
Deciduous forest with an old wooden gate..
Sosnowy las zimą...
country road with trees..
path in the forest..
Herbstweg zum Lusen..
old road in forest in springtime..
Deister - Buchenwald, Forstweg, Deutschl..
tadpole ponds after a heavy rain in the ..
Path in Tsaritsyno Park in Moscow, autum..
Wald - Sonnenstrahlen - Beautiful - Rays..
Wood pile in the green forest..