Harvest time at the stunning rice terrac..
On the field at sunset...
Close up of green paddy rice plant..
Close up of rice paddy in rice field. Th..
Fallow is a field resting after sowing. ..
Oryza sativa..
tall grass prairie and oak savannah plan..
Closeup shot of green tarragon (Artemisi..
Rice filed, the harvest season..
刈り取り前の黄金色の稲田 ..
paddy rice field, close up paddy..
Closeup shot of green tarragon (Artemisi..
Close up of mature Rice Plant in Rice Pa..
green plant with long leaves close-up, g..
With close pitch spring wheat in good co..
Der Mais steht kurz vor der Ernte..
Rice on field. Green leaves...
Branches of rosemary..
green grass..
Young green shoots of garlic in the gard..
Rice fields or paddy field prepare the h..
Rice plants on paddy field in Thailand...
Home onion plantation. Spring time garde..
Rice Field and Green Leaves..
初夏に元気よく伸びた稲 ..
Rows and Rows of fresh unpicked corn...
Rice produced by farmers is a staple foo..
green grass in the wind..
Sheath blight. Rice field diseases...
Jasmine Rice field..
wheat field and blue sky..