eurasian wigeon in flight..
Arctic tern (Sterna Paradisaea) flying o..
black headed gull hunts a fish..
Immature Ring-billed Gull banking over r..
Pink-footed Shearwater, Ardenna creatopu..
eurasian wigeon in flight..
Gaviotas en los corrales de pesca de Chi..
Kelp Gull..
Seagull flying over the Chesapeake Bay a..
common tern..
White-cheeked tern fishing at Tubli cree..
A Thick-billed Murre flies far off shore..
Yellow-legged Gull; Geelpootmeeuw; Larus..
Guifette moustac,.Chlidonias hybrida, Wh..
seagull flying mid-air with wings spread..
common tern..
A common ringed plover (Charadrius hiati..
Grey plover in flight at Eker, Bahrain..
Saunders tern holding a fish in flight a..
Möwe im Tiefflug..
Lachmöwe, larus ridibundus, fliegt übe..
osprey in flight..
Junge Lachmöwe (Chroicocephalus ridibun..
Wings of the Seagull spread wide while g..
オバシギ飛翔 (great knot)..
vol de sterne..
Royal Tern preparing to land on a Gulf o..
rock dove in flight..
seagull soars with wings spread on a vib..
Flock of gulls swimming in a tranquil bo..
Seagull in flight..
Seagull bird against the blue sky...