Birds living in the waterfront..
Die Teichralle (Gallinula chloropus), au..
Morito común (Plegadis falcinellus)..
Gallinule poule d'eau,.Gallinula chlorop..
Rastendes Grauganspäarchen (Wildgans Pa..
Cayuga Swimming Through the Lake on a Wa..
Australasian swamphen (Porphyrio melanot..
Moorhen and 3 Chicks..
Australasian Swamphen..
Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) Searc..
Ibis común..
four cormorants try to scare away a corm..
Eurasian coot on small pond..
Teichhuhn (Gallinula chloropus)..
Foulque caronculée, Foulque à crète, ..
A purple swamphen with its bright red fa..
common moorhen swmming in a pond..
Grey goose (anser anser) flying in natur..
Two birds standing at the Lagoa da Chica..
Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) in ..
Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)..
Common moorhen on the water..
Teichhuhn bei der Gefiederpflege..
Bläßhuhn, Fulica atra, Bläßhuhnkük..
great crested grebe..
Serie Kormoran Vogel beim Abflug nach S�..
Muscovoy Duck..
winged stilt..
A Pair Of Gadwall Duck Is Resting On The..
Black-necked Grebe or Podiceps nigricoll..
Common Moorhen Stretching its Wings..
ducks on the lake..