frog in the pond..
落葉 000258..
vultures in the national park of Monfrag..
Nice blue effect of light on water drops..
Green frog in water..
Quinta de Pesca do Marquês de Pombal..
Tetra citric acid in the aquarium...
Indian pond heron (Ardeola grayii) ready..
A beautiful water surface close up in th..
Eiablage der Hufeisen-Azurjungfer (Coena..
autumn maple leaf floating in water, Aut..
One blue damselfly sitting on a waterlil..
autumn foliage and algae on the water su..
Squacco Heron Fishing..
reflection in a lake in the forest..
A couple of wild ducks, male and female..
Pond Skater 1..
frog in a lake with the eyes out..
Teichfrosch (Rana esculenta)..
Ausflugsschiff auf der Biggetalsperre..
Purple sandpiper | Calidris maritima. A ..
alligator in the water..
Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) in the..
Holtstück schwimmt im See..
A stone protruding from the water. Refle..
Pflanze an einer Pfütze..
Head of a big green crocodile with a clo..
Painted turtle in the water with its hea..
Turtle in the lake..
A duck is swimming in a body of water. T..