Closed up adult Great stone-curlew or gr..
A blue-footed booby that lives on the Ga..
Great Thick-knee close-up shot. The grea..
Great thick-knee searches along a lake s..
White headed Lapwing full frame in Kruge..
lovely brown bird on single feet standin..
Mountain Wheatear on the ground..
great stone-curlew or great thick-knee (..
The great stone-curlew or great thick-kn..
Australian Bush Stone Curlew..
The globally near-threatened Great Thick..
bustard crossing..
aves quero - quero..
close-up portrait of a stone curlew with..
Blacksmith lapwing walks across sand and..
Great stone-curlew or great thick-knee (..
Funny pair of Great thick-knee or stone ..
Masked lapwing..
Beach stone-curlew (Esacus magnirostris)..
Senegal thick-knee Burhinus senegalensis..
Close up Little Heron Bird, Cute Blue B..
The bush stone curlew has grey-brown fea..
Seagull on the seashore. Selective focus..
African Birds..
Portrait of a masked lapwing (vanellus m..
Afrikanischer Graureiher / Grey heron / ..
Great Thick-knee .in Pottuvil, Sri Lanka..
Little Egrets..
Kori bustard (Ardeotis kori), Etosha Nat..
Outarde kori, parades, Ardeotis kori, Ko..
Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) a long-legged..
Outarde kori, parades, Ardeotis kori, Ko..
Sri Lankan Wildlife, Animals, Birds ..
African Wattled Lapwing in the great pla..
Avocette élégante - Recurvirostra avos..