Close up of an adult male Montadon's new..
Faune du Costa Rica en Amérique Central..
Peces exoticos de colores en el fondo de..
Korsischer Gebirgsmolch - Männchen // E..
Red-backed Salamander - Plethodon cinere..
Makedonischer Kammmolch - Männchen // M..
Bronze darter on rocky river bottom..
Closeup shot of a salamander juvenile on..
Triturus marmoratus - Marbled Newt - Tri..
monitor lizard..
Closeup of a female of the critically en..
Lanzerote, Spain - December 24, 2023: Al..
The skin of an anaconda snake, genus Eun..
Fish swim in the Red Sea, colorful fish,..
Tanimbar Blue-tong Skink, Tiliqua scinco..
Asian Water Monitor Lizard Resting on Ro..
Sàrrabus-Höhlensalamander // Sarrabus ..
Great Crested Newt, Newt, Triturus cris..
A young Australian crocodile lies in the..
fish Great snakehead.(Channa micropeltes..