Doctor takes blood from a patient for an..
the doctor the dermatologist doing the p..
Hardware manicure. manicurist makes hard..
woman in a nail salon receiving a manicu..
Closeup shot of hardware manicure in a b..
Close up hand of nurse, taking blood sam..
close up. man using a bactericidal hand ..
blood sampling procedure for analysis in..
blood donation picture with soft-focus a..
pretty doctor examining an elderly patie..
Preparation for surgery. Medical nurse w..
Closeup shot of manicure in a beauty sal..
Great close-up of hands of skilled manic..
nail painting in the salon close-up, ped..
Doctor holds silicone glove mouth on han..
Manicure. Master does manicure on nails ..
Doctors are using a syringe of blood..
Professional Black female pharmacist tal..
nail painting in the salon close-up, ped..
Man's nail curing..
Doctor examining patient's burned hand i..
Preparation for blood test..
Young lady soaking fingers in nail bath ..
Allergy - Skin Prick Testing..
Process of taking venous blood into a te..
The doctor injects carbon dioxide using ..
The work of a professional manicurist on..
Tattoo artist hand holding client hand. ..
Dumbbells training. Home gym. Athletic f..
Manicure specialist works with nailfile...
Laser removal of warts on the body in th..
the process of hardware laser hair remov..
Laboratory assistant taking blood with v..
Blood sampling from a vein for research..