Canada Goose in Spring in Algonquin with..
Canada Goose..
Canada Goose in the water with soft refl..
Spot-billed duck swimming in the lake...
Grey Goose swimming in a large pond...
Grey Goose swimming in a large pond...
Canadian Goose..
A pair of greylag geese on a lake..
country goose family..
Oies sauvages..
Canada goose in a pond at sunrise..
Mom and the little ones..
country goose family..
Eine Kanadagans schwimmt auf einem See!..
Canada Geese, Canada Goose, Branta Canad..
group of Canada gooses swimming in the M..
Kanadagans (Branta canadensis)..
Canadian geese and their goslings swimmi..
a lovely goose, reflections in the water..
duck in water..
A beautiful Great crested Grebe, Podicep..
Canadian goose swimming in pond with wat..
Grey wild goose, cute Water Birds Geese..
lovely canada goose, reflections in the ..
Geese on the water..
Canada Goose 2..
Canadian geese ..
Kanadagans im Frühnebel..
Canada goose-Large Waterbird of Europe p..
Höckergans stehend im See..
Kanadagans / Canada Goose..
Canada goose standing on a rock in the s..
Canada goose Branta canadensis swimming ..
baby swan on water reflection..
Canada Geese in spring showing courtship..