Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)..
Mockingbird perched on a tree branch on ..
Male Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) in Fa..
Sparrow on a tree branch against the blu..
little sparrow sits on branches..
Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)..
daurian redstart in the forest..
Pettirosso su un ramo..
blue tit, cyanistes caeruleus, perched o..
Carduelis chloris in the wild. Birds arr..
bird on a snowy branch, sparrow, wild an..
daurian redstart in a forest..
Singe jaune saïmiri à tête noire dans..
A pair of jays on snow-covered branches..
Hume’s Bush Warbler, Horornis brunnesc..
Cyanistes caeruleus 2..
Small Sykes's warbler bird perched on a ..
El pájaro en la rama vigila los movimie..
A fieldfare perching on a branch in the ..
natural background with little bird tit ..
Common Chaffinch in a garden in winter..
Sparrow on a tree branch against a blue ..
Sitta europaea - Eurasian nuthatch sitti..
An European Robin..
Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius), in w..
sparrow on a branch..
European Robin - Robin in Snow ..
European robin - Erithacus rubecula - on..
Cute little red robin bird perched durin..
long-tailed tit in the wild..