Golden curtain crust fungus, Stereum ost..
Mushrooms on a fallen tree in the forest..
Hydnellum geogenium, a tooth fungus from..
mushrooms on tree..
Trametes versicolor mushroom in the autu..
Fungus on tree bark ..
Suurbrak Mushrooms..
mushrooms on the tree..
Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicol..
Tree with moss on roots in a green fores..
Waldspaziergang ..
A log with mushrooms, fungus, moss and l..
Orange and green trametes species growin..
mushrooms on a stump..
moss on tree..
Baumpilz, Echter Zunderschwamm, Fomes Fo..
Pilzschichten am Baumstamm im Regen..
Mushrooms growing on a tree trunk...
Natur bilder..
Fungi found in British woodland..
fungus on tree..
Macro of the brown fruit body of Theleph..
Trametes bracket fungus on dead trunk, h..
lichen on a tree..
macro photograph close up of beautiful m..
Group of brown and white mushrooms ..
Mushroom cluster on a log in the forest ..
Trametes versicolor - Turkey tail - Basi..
Medicinal turkey tail (Trametes versicol..
Mushrooms found alongside a hiking trail..
tree pathogenic fungus Chondrostereum pu..