Very old cannon barrel on the green edge..
Obstacles for crossing and training in t..
Altenburg / Germany: Simple wooden bench..
Piece of wood in a park, dead stump on t..
old tree that was destroyed by a storm a..
Forest after a storm..
Money tree at Ingleton Waterfalls Trail ..
Wooden bench made of logs in the forest...
axe on a large piece of wood used as a c..
A big pile of log wood in a forest road..
Bench for travelers in the woods, made o..
Baumfällung einer Rotbuche..
a small river with grass and crocuses..
The logs in the woods..
Abgeknickte Bäume nach einem Sturm..
Cut parts of the trunk outside on the hi..
Forest cut down. Ruined forest in nation..
Wald mit gefällten Bäumen im Herbst..
Cutting down trees. Sawn logs lying on t..
fallen tree..
Log bench..
a bicycle rack made of a fallen tree tru..
Wood Stacks..
Hiking trail, Pravcicka gate, Saxon Swit..
Felled tree lies in the forest..
Tree eaten and destroyed by beavers with..
tronc d'arbre..
Cascade River State Park..
Stürme Unwetter Holzbruch..
An ax sticking out of a stump in the bac..
Sitzbank im Wald, Holzbank..