bee on yellow flower..
Andrène cul-rouille (Andrena haemorrhoa..
Spring green grass young meadow flower d..
Piante e fiori spontanei..
Tussilago farfara and Musca domestica, a..
Tussilago farfara and Musca domestica, a..
The flower fly Helina impuncta...
Syrphe ceinturé Episyrphus balteatus vo..
Yellow Gaillardia, blanket flower with b..
Honigbiene auf einer Löwenzahnblüte..
Working time..
Käfer Männchen und Weibchen bei der Pa..
abeille qui butine..
butterfly on flower..
Yellow and Orange Marigold Flowers and H..
Igelfliege - Bristly-Fly..
Schwebfliege,Fliege, Blume,Gelb, Nektar..
bee on flower..
little yellow hoverfly on blossom of flo..
honeybee on the yellow dandelion in the ..
Hoverfly( Episyrphus balteatus) on Hyper..
Пчела и одуванчик..
a bee flies away from a flower..
mosca abeja (poecilanthrax lucifer) sobr..
Bee on blossom dandelion head..
insect on flower..
Male hoverfly, Tapered Drone Fly, Erista..
Insects inhabiting wild plants: Aphidoph..
Honey Bee collecting pollen on wild yell..
муха на цветке..
Mosca da flor..
Fleißiges sammeln..
bee on flower..
The bee on the yellow flower..