Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) with ..
Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris..
American robin (Wanderdrossel, Turdus mi..
A male African stonechat (Saxicola torqu..
European stonechat // Schwarzkehlchen (S..
A male house sparrow looking for food, g..
American robin making its way through a ..
European Stonechat on a branch..
Male of Common stonechat in breeding plu..
Male sparrow perched on the grass..
one cute towhee bird resting on brown pi..
I think that FEMALE just looked my way...
European Stonechat, Saxicola rubicola..
close up of one red-eyed spotted towhee ..
Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) pe..
rouge queue à front blanc..
American Robin (Turdus migratorius) ( lo..
Common chaffinch on ground near puddle. ..
robin on the grass..
bird on grass..
bull headed shrike is hunting a earthwor..
rouge queue à front blanc..
Fieldfare in search of worms in the fiel..
Male African Stonechat perched on a twig..
Nesting female Baltimore oriole (Icterus..
Spotted Towhee taken in North Dakota..
Spatz Sperling Vogel..
Beautiful brown bird perching on mossy s..
Common redstart. Phoenicurus phoenicurus..
Pleszka (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)..
Galapagos Large Billed Flycatcher (Myiar..
rouge queue à front blanc..