Le héron cendré (Ardea cinerea Linnaeu..
grey heron ardea cinerea..
Great blue heron..
great blue heron..
Sandhill Crane Couple..
Great blue heron walks on dry grass in s..
Brütender Graukranich, das Gelege liegt..
Blue heron in seek of food..
big gray water bird in the grass,Great E..
Close view of a great blue heron in beau..
great Indian bustard or Ardeotis nigrice..
White necked heron in grassland environm..
Single Crane(Grus grus) in summertime fi..
Crane standing and looking on a bog at s..
Grey heron sits in grass and lurks for p..
grey heron (Ardea cinerea)..
Grue cendrée Grus grus en hivernage en ..
great blue heron..
Great blue heron hunting in a wooded are..
Beautiful grey, pink, red and white hero..
White-faced Heron hunting, Tomaga River,..
grey heron ardea cinerea standing in a m..
Sandhill Cranes foraging in the grass at..
Darwin's Rhea, Lesser Rhea (Rhea penna..
A Common Crane looking back..
Heron fishing on lake with ducks..
there is a large blue bird that is walki..
Sarus crane (Antigone antigone) in a fog..
Young grey heron (Ardea cinerea) in a ma..
Tricolored Heron..
Great Blue Heron..
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) sideview in g..
Sarus crane, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary..
Black headed heron (Ardea melanocephala)..