Black Tailed Godwit with Bright Backgrou..
Black-fronted Dotterel in Australia..
Common Sandpiper / Actitis hypoleucos..
Immature Black Skimmer (Rhynchops niger)..
Female Hen Shoveler Duck ..
sandpiper on shore..
Gray Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) feedi..
sandpiper wading in brackish water in Me..
Shorebird Sanderling Calidris alba in se..
Purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima, bir..
Generated image..
Coastal Feast: Sanderling Delights in Se..
Wrybill Endemic Shorebird of New Zealand..
Red Knot, Calidris canutus..
Two little sandpipers on coastline of ba..
Hottentot teal, Anas hottentota..
Eurasian Teal, Anas crecca..
oiseau d'eau divers ..
grey tailed tattler is hunting a crab..
Seagull standing on the water..
Seagull on the beach. Bird background. W..
USA, Florida, New Smyrna Beach, Wilson's..
Little-ringed plover, Charadrius dubius..
Northern Shoveler female (Anas clypeata)..
Seagull standing on the water..
Spring plumage Red Knot on beach..
Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola, Crete..
Wood Sandpiper and dramatic reflection a..
Red necked Phalarope..
The little stint (Calidris minuta or Ero..
duck swimming on a shallow water..
Chiloe Wigeon (Mareca sibilatrix) fighti..
Spoon-billed sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus p..