Hockey World championship..
Sir George Grey..
Coat of arms of Azerbaijan since Soviet ..
Postage stamp Malaya 1959 mace and peopl..
Earth and woman..
Bust of Horace..
Postage stamps of the France. Stamp prin..
Halas lace patterns..
Maria Quiteria de Jesus Medeiros..
Postage Stamp..
Seat of Wisdom St Peter Louvain..
USA - CIRCA 1964 Doctors Mayo..
Corrientes Stamp of 1856 (Argentina 1956..
Presidents Justo and Vargas..
Russian historical postage stamp: 300th ..
Duke of Caxias Leading his Troops..
Postage stamp Mexico 1950 Carved Head, V..
stamp printed by Poland shows a commemor..
Medallion portrait, San Martin Commemora..
Republic of Turkey postage stamp. Republ..
vintage French stamp with handshake and ..
emperor William..
Southern Rhodesia stamp featuring the Vi..
Stamp printed by Argentina shows Guiller..
Jan Komensky..
Vintage soviet stamp "70th annyversary o..
Stamp printed in Austria shows Silvretta..
Dromedaris, Van Riebeeck's ship (South A..
Postage stamps of the Germany. Stamp pri..
Postage stamp Cuba 1965 Coin, Cuban Mint..
Apolonia Pinto..