Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), Cret..
Adult male Montagu's harrier flying in a..
Beautiful swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides..
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in flight o..
Long-tailed jaeger flying..
Close up of Great skua in flight..
Whistler ducks in flight over a lagoon i..
Ein Turmfalke fliegt in der Luft vor gr�..
Pair of wild geese are landing..
Vulture flying. Ruppells griffon vulture..
Western Marsh Harrier in the Weerribben ..
Flying grey heron on the west coast in S..
A grey heron (Ardea cinerea) in flight..
Hawk and pray..
Beautiful male northern harrier - Circu..
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in flight o..
Lesser whistling duck Flying..
Domestic pigeon - Columba livia domestic..
Whooper Snapper - A whooping crane threa..
Gray goose (Anser anser) flying over fie..
Flying Birds of prey Marsh harrier Circu..
barnacle goose, branta leucopsis, Estoni..
Male Gadwall bird soaring above green gr..
Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)..
Whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida)..
a Greylag goose, Anser anser in flight..
Glossy Ibis in Flight (Plegadis falcinel..
Motacilla flava..
Cotton pygmy goose flying..
Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) male i..
osprey in flight in front of a forest..
Gooses,Anser anser..
The Common Crane, Grus grus is flying ..