Canada Goose (in german Kanadagans, Bran..
The family of young cackling geese on th..
Eine Graugans sucht Futter auf einer Wie..
pigeons and ducks near the city pond..
hawaiian goose "Nene"..
Canada Goose with Gosling in spring in t..
Pair of Canadian Geese, Branta canadensi..
adult graylag geese (Anser anser) on a m..
Canadian geese grazes on a grassy field..
Geese Feeding in the Autumn Grass..
Canada Geese Photo and Image. Couple res..
oie en gros plan..
View of several gray ducks on a nice law..
Rotgans, Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Brant..
Barnacle goose. Branta leucopsis. close ..
Canada Goose (in german Kanadagans, Bran..
Close up of black white and grey Canada ..
Closeup of white and grey adult geese on..
duck in forest..
Weißwangengans (Branta leucopsis)..
Männliche Kanadagans auf einem Stop zum..
Beautiful Wild Canada Goose in the Woods..
Wild goose sleeping on green grass with ..
Canada Goose..
Canada goose mother and young goslings o..
Blaessgans Anser albifrons..
geese grazing on a farm..
A large of Geese at a nature reserve. Th..
Geese in field by lake..
Organic farm. Domestic gray white goose ..