Poisson coloré des fonds marins en aqua..
Batavia Damsel (Pomacentrus simsiang)..
Aquarium yellow fish on the background o..
Gelber Fisch..
Threadfin Anthias Pseudanthias huchtii..
Longsnout Butterflyfish-Chaetodon aculea..
Pesce di mare..
Female purple queen anthias, Pseudanthia..
A picture of a golden damsel..
Beautiful Indonesia marine fish on the c..
A beautiful yellow tang fish swims grace..
Labidochromis caeruleus..
small yellow red sea fish..
Beautiful Indonesia marine fish on the c..
Black-and-gold chromis..
Threespot Damselfish..
pseudanthias tropical marine fish pesce ..
Sea goldie, lyretail coralfish, lyretai..
Scarus quoyifish Quoy's parrotfish under..
Male chequered dottyback, Cypho zaps, Ra..
Neolamprologus leleupi (lemon cichlid) y..
Coral fish - Pseudanthias squamipinnis..
fish swimming in aquarium, underwater li..
Yellow fish in an aquarium..
The Blue-green chromis on the aquarium..
Yellow tropical fish..
Tropical fish in aquarium..
Dartfish, Nemeteleotris magnifica, Gili ..
Lemonpeel Angelfish, Centropyge flavissi..
bluesided fairy wrasse fish..
Peixeis de Aquario Agua Doce / Freshwate..