Golden Sergeant..
Goldring Surgeonfish..
Two-stripe damselfish, reticulate dascyl..
Threespot dascyllus (Dascyllus trimacula..
Daisy parrotfish - Chlorurus sordidus, ..
Jewel damselfish..
Fish swimming in the sea..
Caribbean Sergeant major fish..
The Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nema..
Jewel Damsel, Plectoglyphidodon lacrymat..
yellow eye fish ..
Golden Damsel Amblyglyphidodon aureus..
Tropical fish in aquarium in Berlin..
Moonlight gourami swimming in an aquariu..
Yellow clownfish in the Maldives..
Blue chromis ..
Puffer Fish at the Red Sea, Egypt..
unusual saltwater fish on a coral reef..
A picture of a golden damsel..
Princess Damsel (Pomacentrus vaiuli), ak..
Pyjama-Kardinalfisch (Sphaeramia nematop..
Spotted Rabbitfish Gracefully Navigating..
Lyretail anthias male, Pseudanthias squa..
Kole yellow eye tang (Ctenochaetus strig..
Nahaufnahme von tropischen Fischen in ei..
Maldives damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon in..
Spotted Rabbitfish Gliding Through Coral..
Pesce di mare..
poisson tropical..
poisson blanc avec des nageoires jaunes..